Fieldwork in Yoshino-Kumano National Park

Mayumi Arai has been working together with a Swiss artist Nina Willimann as a duo Willimann/Arai since 2015.

In collaborations with visitors, local communities, and experts, they have been creating context-specific and process-based projects between Europe and Asia. They question hegemonic and dichotomic Western conceptions and narratives like Nature / Culture and Self / Other.

In their long-term research project, The gift exercise, Willimann/ Arai explore hospitality as a cultural technique in dealing with the „foreign“ as well as its local and global manifestations. Since 2016, within this framework, they have been developing context-specific settings (Invitations), in which they examine and test the complex role play of guests and hosts from an autoethnographic perspective. They ask about the interactions, mutual dependencies, and replaceability of the complex role-play of guests and hosts in each site– and the power relations inscribed in them.
Since 2017, within this framework, they have constantly been developing several projects in National Parks and a Nature protected area, such as Taroko National Park (TW), Swiss National Park (CH) and Sihlwald (CH). In the Troku National Park (Taiwan), in the northeast of Taiwan's Central Mountain Range, they learned about 'nature' from a Taiwanese indigenous community, Taroko, who lived on top of the mountains before the national park was established; in Swiss National Park from a mushroom, Armillaria ostoyae, which has inhabited on an area in the park for over 1000 years and is the largest living being in Europe; in Sihlwald, from the bark beetle, considered a dangerous pest by the forestry industry. By doing so, they investigated  ambivalency on the hospitality in each context. 

At this time, Mayumi Arai will create a project in Yoshino Kumano National Park with that concept.


新井麻弓は、スイス人アーティストの Nina Willimann と共に、2015 年からデュオ Willimann/Arai(ウィリマン/アライ) として活動しています。


長期リサーチプロジェクト The gift exerciseでは、「異質なもの」に向き合う手立てとして、またグローバルとローカルの発現としてのホスピタリティについて考察を続けています。活動地ごとにそれぞれの設定を発展させていきながら、そのなかで生まれるゲストとホスト、それぞれの役割のあいだの入り組んだ関係について、オートエスノグラフィーの視点から観察しています。そうして、2人はゲストとホストの相互作用と依存関係、交換可能性、そしてそこに刻みこまれた力関係について問い続けます。



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